MISSION 2011(7th Jan-11th Jan)

The Global Mission being led by I Reverend Bert Boork headed for a mission in Ukraine that started on 7th January 2011 and ended on 11th January. Ukraine is one of the countries where Global Mission has a presence.
The meetings started with a large number of people in Lutsk. The churches we were visiting were filled up with humble people and it was a good opening for the Global Mission team to preach the word of God in Ukraine as well as share the experience of the Holy Spirit with the people.
We felt so much satisfied to have met these new humble people, experienced a different culture and just learn from one another. It was exciting to live and mix with new people, new friends and new brethren. Therefore our 5 days in Ukraine were a great success. Our Mission team included Kenneth Boork, Kimberly Boork, and Yuriy Trots besides I Bert Boork who stood in as the head of mission.
Kenneth Boork preached 10-15 minutes in every meeting we had. His wife Kimberly (from USA) graced the occasions with powerful and soul-searching songs which moved the big congregations we ministered to. Then I came in with 30-45 minutes of teaching and preaching in different sessions as well as venues.
Most of the meetings had over 1500 attendants and this marvelled us. Our host and mission guide Yuriy Trots together with his family showed us great hospitality and planned the meetings in good order and we felt they were a gift from God. They were a real blessing to us.
We therefore see a bright future in Ukraine Mission and pray that God may lead us into more extensive Ministry in the land and that it may also spread to other nations.
Bert Boork.