MISSION 2011 (16th - 31st July 2011).

The Global Mission being led by Rev. Bert Boork headed for a mission in Kenya and Tanzania that started on 16th July and ended on 31st July 2011. Kenya and Tanzania are some of the countries with massive presence of the Global Mission.
The meetings started with a large number of people in Nairobi. This was followed up with Mission Flights to Lodwar, Turkana which is a desert region in Kenya. Neighbouring districts were covered before the team took another flight to Bungoma near Mt. Elgon three days later. The churches we were visiting were filled up with humble people and it was a good opening for the Global Mission team to preach the word of God in the region as well as share the experience of the Holy Spirit with the people.
The trip included plans for expansion of the Kids Goat Farm project run by the Global Mission as well as the introduction of a Bible School for the locals.
We felt so much satisfied to have met these new humble people, experienced a different culture and just learn from one another. It was exciting to live and mix with new people, new friends and new Brethren. Our Mission team included Kenneth Boork, Kimberly Boork, Vincent Were and Myself as the head of mission.
Kenneth Boork preached 10-15 minutes in every meeting we had. His wife Kimberly (from USA) graced the occasions with powerful and soul-searching songs which moved the big conregations we ministered to. I took the teaching sessions too.
We then flew to Migori and crossed the border into Tanzania via Sirare border point. The Mission in Tanzania saw us pitch tent at Sirare for 2 days. Tarime for 3 days and Musoma town for 3 other days. Most of the meetings had over 300 attendants and this marvelled us. Our host showed us great hospitality and planned the meetings in good order and we felt they were a gift from God. They were a real blessing to us.
On 31st July we took a final flight to Nairobi, Kenya for a 1day rest having ended the mission. We later flew back to Sweden on the 2nd of August 2011. Demand has grown for our Mission trips and we foresee visits to Ukraine, Uganda and Brazil.
May God bless you as you pray for this Mission.
Bert Boork.